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‘Jour de Fête’ movie posters

Movie: The Holiday
Painting: 'Jour de Fête' movie posters
Author: René Péron
About the film
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black, Eli Wallach, Edward Burns, Rufus Sewell, Miffy Englefield
Actors in scene: Kate Winslet
Country (movie): USA
Genres: comedy, romans
Director: Nancy Meyers
Writers: Nancy Meyers
Time of scene: 00:34:29
Release year: 2006
About the painting
Title: 'Jour de Fête' movie posters
Author: René Péron
Date of creation: 1949
Size: medium
Artist's country: France
Room: living room, other
Room colors: white, brown
Theme: poster
Color: red
Additional information:

Rene Peron was one of the leading figures of French film poster design, and over the course of his career, designed more than two thousand posters. He designed posters for some of the era’s most memorable films (King Kong, 1933).

Jour de Fête (“The Big Day”) is a 1949 French comedy film directed by Jacques Tati. Jour de Fête tells the story of an inept and easily distracted French mailman who frequently interrupts his duties to converse with the local inhabitants, as well as inspect the traveling fair that has come to his small community. Influenced by too much wine and a newsreel account of rapid transportation methods used by the United States postal system, he goes to hilarious lengths to speed the delivery of mail while aboard his bicycle. Read more: Wikipedia