Movie: Beetle Juice
Painting: Unrecognized
Author: Unrecognized
About the film
Cast: Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton, Jeffrey Jones, Catherine O'Hara, Sylvia Sidney, Dick Cavett
Actors in scene: Michael Keaton
Country (movie): USA
Genres: comedy, fantasy
Director: Tim Burton
Writers: Warren Skaaren
Time of scene: 01:27:35
Release year: 1988
About the painting
Title: Unrecognized
Author: Unrecognized
Date of creation:
Style: Realism
Size: large
Artist's country:
Room: other, reception
Room colors: creamy, blue
Theme: landscape
Color: gray, brown
Additional information:
In that afterlife waiting room, above the couch, there is exact the same painting of a beach that you can see in the Pulp Fiction movie when Butch returned to the hotel where his girlfriend is sleeping in the bed.