Movie: La Migliore offerta
Painting: Portrait of a Young Woman (La fornarina)
Author: Raphael
About the film
Cast: Geoffrey Rush, Jim Sturgess, Sylvia Hoeks, Donald Sutherland, Philip Jackson, Dermot Crowley, Kiruna Stamell, Liya Kebede
Actors in scene: Geoffrey Rush
Country (movie): Italy
Genres: crime, melodrama
Director: Giuseppe Tornatore
Writers: Giuseppe Tornatore
Time of scene: 00:13:08
Release year: 2013
About the painting
Title: Portrait of a Young Woman (La fornarina)
Author: Raphael
Date of creation: 1518
Style: Renaissance
Size: medium
Artist's country: Italy
Room: salon, other
Room colors: multicolored
Theme: portrait
Color: brown, black, blue, creamy, dark
Additional information:
The woman from portrait is traditionally identified with the fornarina (bakeress) Margherita Luti, Raphael’s Roman mistress, though this has been questioned. The woman is pictured with an oriental style hat and bare breasts. She is making the gesture to cover her left breast, or to turn it with her hand, and is illuminated by a strong light coming from outside. Her left arm has a narrow band carrying the signature of the artist, RAPHAEL URBINAS. It has been suggested that the right hand on the left breast reveals a cancerous breast tumour disguised in a classic pose of love.
We can see the painting when Virgil comes to his secret place with another woman portrait for his collection.