Movie: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Painting: Saturn Devouring His Children
Author: Francisco José de Goya
About the film
Cast: Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin, Carey Mulligan, Eli Wallach, Susan Sarandon, Frank Langella, Austin Pendleton
Actors in scene: Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin
Country (movie): USA
Genres: drama
Director: Oliver Stone
Writers: Allan Loeb, Stephen Schiff
Time of scene: 00:47:50
Release year: 2010
About the painting
Title: Saturn Devouring His Children
Author: Francisco José de Goya
Date of creation: 1823
Style: romanticism
Size: medium
Artist's country: Spain
Room: office
Room colors: brown
Theme: mythology
Color: brown, black
Additional information:
One of the most revealing aspects of Money Never Sleeps is the association the film makes between corporate consumption and cannibalism. Gekko remarks at one point that, “parents are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth”. Elsewhere, Goya’s famous painting, ‘Saturn Devouring his Son’ hangs prominently in an office belonging to a rival business executive. The painting you can also see in the later scene (01:52:48).