Movie: Remember Me
Painting: Unknown title
Author: Franz Kline
About the film
Cast: Emilie de Ravin, Chris Cooper, Chris Cooper, Robert Pattinson, Morgan Turner
Actors in scene: Robert Pattinson
Country (movie): USA
Genres: melodrama
Director: Allen Coulter
Writers: Will Fetters
Time of scene: 01:37:25
Release year: 2010
About the painting
Title: Unknown title
Author: Franz Kline
Date of creation:
Size: large
Artist's country: USA
Room: office
Room colors: white, brown
Theme: abstraction
Color: white, black
Additional information:
Denoting rebellion, the mainly abstract artwork Charles surrounds himself with, including the Franz Kline-esque black and white painting in his office, informs me that he and Tyler are not that much different at their core. Along with rebellion and chaos, the paintings also resemble an abstract depiction of the post 9/11 ground zero site. In the last shot, when Tyler is looking out the window of his dad’s office, the paintings are directly behind him, forming a background that he is filmed against.