Movie: Limitless
Painting: Untitled No.12
Author: Mark Rothko
About the film
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Abbie Cornish, Andrew Howard, Anna Friel, Johnny Whitworth, Tomas Arana, Robert John Burke
Actors in scene: Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro
Country (movie): USA
Genres: thriller, sci-fi
Director: Neil Burger
Writers: Leslie Dixon
Time of scene: 01:12:34
Release year: 2011
About the painting
Title: Untitled No.12
Author: Mark Rothko
Date of creation: 1954
Size: large
Artist's country: USA
Room: office, corridor
Room colors: brown
Theme: abstraction
Color: red, yellow, orange
Additional information:
Abstract style artist, Mark Rothko was a Russian immigrant and a preeminent artist of his generation. His insatiable scholarly quest and his fascination with concepts of mortality and spirituality deeply influenced his art. Rothko is tendency to place the darkest shades of his spare palette at the top of his oversized canvases was meant to symbolize the mental depression that plagued him, yet his late period obsession was dominated by color, adventure and passion.